Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ICES Day of Sharing

So, I was able to attend the ICES Day of Sharing in Alexandria last week. There were about 60 people there. It was a nice daya dn the learning was wonderful too. We learned how to make a camo chake, a tree stump, a ice cream sundae cake, puddle faces, and a gumpaste gardenia.

I liked the camo cake and the tree stump cake the best. I can see many applications for the two of those. The gardenia was beautiful, but I do not have the patience for that kind of flower.
I am hoping to be able to attend the next DOS.....depends on work.

Roadrunner Cake

Meep! Meep!

This was for the staff at Amanda's school. They hosted a Staff Appreciation Luncheon as part of their Teacher Appreciation Week.

It is a fondant roadrunner on a vanilla buttercream iced vanilla cake with pineapple filling.

This is a huge cake - the board is a 14" X 19". The cake is 4 inches tall. Very heavy!